Day 1 Akihabara

Nerd Central
After landing and getting settled in Tokyo the previous evening, we head over to a familiar place, Akihabara, where I stayed for a week in 2015. Other than the billboards and the merchandise, things haven’t changed much.
Capsule Toys everywhere! And these robot guides are pretty common. I think this video was actually taken in Shinjuku Station on the way to Akihabara.
Her choice… an Italian cafe for some reason.
Super Potato
First things first: I want to check out Super Potato, the best retro game shop in Japan. I made this video with my new Osmo Pocket, but since this is my first time using it and editing, it’s not that great.
We then hit up the arcades for several hours. I won’t bore you with the details on the games, but I had a good time exploring and trying the new machines and technologies. Such as this…commuter train simulator…
Rhythm games are quite popular and varied
There are several photo booths for the girls. Snap photos and then touch them up with too much airbrushing, make your eyes bigger, and write stuff on them. You get a printout at the end.
You can always find Street Fighter II in the arcades in Japan.
We head down the road the river to get some refreshments
Seasoned Pork
Various scenes from around town
6 Story shop of figurines and toys
This go-kart tour company were sues by nintendo for dressing their customers up as Nintendo characters. The karts are now stamped with “Unrelated to Nintendo”.
We travel to Rappongi for Udon
I ate a huge bowl of Curry Udon (pork cutlet on top)
Some scenes around Rappongi