Day 1 Akihabara

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Nerd Central After landing and getting settled in Tokyo the previous evening, we head over to a familiar place, Akihabara, where I stayed for a week in 2015. Other than the billboards and the merchandise, things haven’t changed much.  Capsule Toys everywhere! And these robot guides are pretty common. I think this video wasRead more

Tokyo and Robot Restaurant

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In the morning I did a small amount of shopping in Akihabara     I checked out a few Halloween shops This shop is stacked with busty girl PVC figurines.   These Monster Hunter figures seemed to be popular.   I met up with a pen pal at a restaurant at Akihabara Station. Edameme beans.Read more

Akihabara and Shinjuku Golden Gai

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I decided to go to Shinjuku today, but to kill time before the train I stopped in into an Akihabara bookstore to check it out. first time seeing anything Star War related in Japan. the Shop had quite a bit, I guess because of the new movie. Not out of the ordinary to have generalRead more

Akihabara and Ueno

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Woke up at a decent hour each day due to some construction outside the window. After the war Akihabara became a center for resale of military surplus, specifically electronics parts. To this day it’s the go-to place to buy electronics. While the pop culture establishments and department stores dominate, you can still find a lotRead more

First Time in Tokyo

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Having always read about Japan, corresponding with several pen pals that live there, and reading about it since I was a child, when I had the opportunity to go, I took the chance. Originally planning to travel with an old high school friend, I hastily booked the flight, only to find out that I wouldRead more