We take the train to Kokubunji on the west side of Tokyo to visit the Architectural Museum, a preservation of historic urban structures from the region. Founded in 1993, the complex houses buildings and artifacts generally from the Edo period (1868-1912) and beyond. There is a Musashino Folklore Museum within that does have some older artifactsRead more
I decided to go to Shinjuku today, but to kill time before the train I stopped in into an Akihabara bookstore to check it out. first time seeing anything Star War related in Japan. the Shop had quite a bit, I guess because of the new movie. Not out of the ordinary to have generalRead more
Another full day in Lijiang broguht me the realization that I could spend weeks photographing here. Every twist and turn uncovered a mix of multiple cultures, their art, their lifestyles, languages, and their welcoming to this village. I could have snapped megapixels of everything I saw while I was there, everything that astounded me, butRead more
Chunxi Shopping District For my last night in Chengdu, Jing and I head to Chunxi Street to take some photos. Like me, Jing shoots Olympus. I just noticed she was using the Panasonic 20mm Pancake. I bought this lens in 2016 and has been my favorite lens since. Olympus cameras haveRead more