More Time with Pandas in Chengdu

Chengdu Panda Rescue Base
For my last day in China, I head to the panda park with Jing.
Fuzzy panda butt
Watching pandas eat is highly enjoyable.
When they aren’t eating, they are sleeping
Red Pandas are always doing something cute, that is until you lift your camera, then they art off.
“Hello Ladies…”
Last moments in Chengdu
Jing and I head to the Chengdu Art industrial park for one final meal before I depart for the year.
We had dinner at a fine fusion restaurant “Someone’s Soil”
Shaved frozen peanut milk; peanuts; red bean tapioca; sliced durian. Absolutely delicious.
Salad; Blueberry duck breast; the best damned scalloped potatoes I have ever had.
Grilled chicken over grilled veggies.
And that’s it. I didn’t get a chance to return to China until 2016. Meanwhile Jing moved to Germany and married. I changed Jobs.
My last meal in China, at the shanghai airport: Korean food. Beef Noodles and pork dumplings.
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