Another Yangshuo Cruise

Video shot early in the morning as I was woken up by the sounds no one can escape from in China: construction.
April 16 River Cruise
Feeling a bit better, we take another trip through the mountains. Again, I have no idea what river this is or what section. I think the first river was the Lijiang and this one was the Jingbao, but I don’t know for sure. At least the weather and lighting was better this day. Same kind of raft. Much more residential area, still rural, but just not as remote as the previous.
This bridge is more than twice as old as the United States.
Not sure if I like the color version of black and white better…
Yangshuo at night
We wander around West Street at night in search of food.
We find a place that does western food. Jing wanted to try. I figured I would rate their efforts. It was really good.
Not pictured: Jing had a PB&J.
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